Boffoonery! -
London, August 3rd 2009
Inspired by a campaign to save ailing WWII heritage site Bletchley Park , comedy writers and performers are joining forces with computing professionals to put on an evening of what they’re calling “buffoonery for boffins” -
Jason Gorman, a software engineering consultant from London, was looking for a way to raise money and boost support for the campaign to save Bletchley Park. Gorman, whose clients include the BBC and City Index, contacted James Cary, the writer of cult BBC Radio 4 comedy Hut 33, which is set at Bletchley Park during 1941.
Cary, whose other writing credits include hit BBC TV comedies My Family and My Hero, as well as award-
The Bloomsbury Theatre, which has staged comedy and charity shows for Ricky Gervais, Eddie Izzard and Harry Hill, was selected as the ideal venue.
The show will include stand-
Both Gorman and Cary had strong ideas about the kinds of comedians who would be right for a show built around the themes of code-
“The challenge for us as producers has been to find smart comedians who can take these dry subjects and breathe life into them, making them laugh-
“When we started approaching comedians, we weren’t sure what kind of support we’d get. We’ve been truly gobsmacked at how positive and helpful everyone’s been. A lot of comedians support Bletchley Park.”
Already confirmed for the show are Robert Llewellyn, best known as Kryten in Red Dwarf, and a self-
As the show takes shape, more well-
Tickets go on sale on August 12th at 9am, and all profits will go to Bletchley Park. See for details, or follow @boffoonery on Twitter for updates.
Press Contact: Jason Gorman, Codemanship Ltd
Phone: +44 7785 712367
Wartime IT Contractors To Receive Comedy Tribute To Raise Funds For Bletchley Park
August 12rd 2009
The original IT contractors of Bletchley Park, who designed the first ever programmable computer and broke the German military’s ‘impenetrable’ Enigma code, are to be celebrated in a comedy tribute at London’s Bloomsbury Theatre on 3rd November 2009.
Called Boffoonery – ‘buffoonery for boffins’ – the high-
It has been organised by IT contractor and software developer coach Jason Gorman, to raise funds for the historic National Codes Centre at Bletchley Park, which saw the birth of computing during the Second World War.
Bletchley Park appeal: cash for Boffoonery
August 14th 2009
Bletchley Park, the secretive mansion that housed Britain's Second World War code-
As well as shortening the war by cracking the Enigma code, it nurtured the brilliant mind of Alan Turing – the leading cryptanalyst, inventor of the Turing Test (without which we may not have Blade Runner) and father of modern computer science (without which many of us may have been unemployed). It was also home to the world's first programmable computer.