Jason Gorman
Jason is the founder of Music By Programmers. A code monkey since computers ran on steam, he now trains and coaches teams in the UK and Europe through his company Codemanship. Jason has played guitar for 25 years, and in his spare time creates music your mother wouldn’t like under the name Apes With Hobbies.
“This track sort of grew organically -
“This track was created almost entirely using Lennar Digital's Sylenth1 virtual analog synthesizer, aside from the drums (done using Arturia's Spark drum machine) and some pretty wacky aethereal reverb effects in the break. This track was inspired by artists who favoured a more rhythmic, poppy approach to electronica like Yellow Magic Orchestra and Thomas Dolby. The title is both a reference to the "golden age" of electronica and home computing, as well as Dolby's "Golden Age Of Wireless" album”